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There is one other possibility regarding John O’Neill’s participation in 9/11 and I would be remiss if I didn’t include it, at least as a postscript, even though I don’t believe a word of it. Also, it does have an historical precedent, which it shares with 9/11 itself, and which is instructive.
September 11 has been correctly compared to other false flag ops, among them Operation Northwoods, the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, the Gulf of Tonkin deception, Operation Gladio, ‘Remember the Maine,’ plus Hitler’s Reichstag fire. But, for me, the event (although not technically a false flag) it most closely resembles is Pearl Harbor.
I speak of FDR’s foreknowledge (of the time and place of the sneak attack), but also of his administration’s concerted effort to provoke the attack; FDR quite literally gave Japan no choice but to go to war with us. The motive was to get us into the European war.
Few pre-9/11 history books bear so importantly (if implicitly) on the 2001 false flag op as does Day of Deceit; The Truth About Pearl Harbor and FDR by Robert Stinnett. Stinnett, with recently released FOIA documents and first hand accounts from the aging survivors of the naval and political history of World War II (Stinnett himself being an example), proves beyond any reasonable doubt that high treason was perpetrated by one of our most revered presidents, when FDR purposefully – the legal phrase ‘with malice aforethought’ comes to mind – withheld from Hawaii’s defense forces the clearly defined intel that the Japanese carrier fleet was bearing down on Pearl Harbor. The McCollum Memo, which delineates the eight-point plan to provoke war, is what elevates Pearl Harbor from a
simple (though malicious) LIHOP
– let it happen on purpose – to what may be termed a
– make it happen on purpose.
I cannot resist a brief aside referring once again to our ‘newspaper of record’ as representative of the cooption of the cultural elite: Surprisingly, The New York Times did review Mr. Stinnett’s impeccably sourced book (a good one-fifth of it being reproduced documents proving FDR’s ‘deceit,’ i.e., high treason), but, incredibly, claimed that in the end there were ‘no smoking guns’ (regarding foreknowledge of the attack).
Truly, one must read Day of Deceit to grasp the degree of delusion/deception (it’s one or the other, not both, I know, I know) underlying the Times’s gross insult to the layers of evidence Mr. Stinnett lays down in proving his point, and insult to the truth in the bottom line summation of ‘No smoking guns.’ Day of Deceit is more like a smoking goddamn cannon.
Try this as indirect evidence from Stinnett’s book, and which will bring us back to the current subject: Navy Captain Joseph J. Rocheforte -- a crytpologist/codebreaker and one of the major players in the conspiracy (which is what it clearly was) to let the attack happen -- said of the loss of life at Pearl Harbor: ‘The sacrifice of 3,000 lives is a small price to pay for uniting the country.’ (As any chess player knows, a ‘sacrifice’ is a purposeful loss.)
There is an eerie, almost echoing ring to Rocheforte’s words (especially given the similar number of dead), to folks who understand 9/11 for what it was – one can almost hear the words ‘small price to pay’ (for uniting the country behind a war) echo from Rumsfeld, Cheney, Myers et al.; maybe even from Bush – when he found out (or figured out) what had gone down that day (personally, I doubt that Bush himself had true foreknowledge of the day’s events).
By the way, the next time some blithering fool subjects you to the ‘conspiracies can’t be kept secret’ moronism, hand him Day of Deceit and inquire how the hundred or so naval officers and politicians kept FDR’s treason to themselves for well over half a century (Stinnett’s book came out in 2000).
But my O’Neill-point being – for those who just cannot bring themselves to completely scrap the Legend – that maybe O’Neill was deceived into participation in the events of the day, as a way of ‘sacrificing’ a few for a greater good, as with Pearl Harbor and the U.S. entry into World War II.
Since the logic is inescapable that O’Neill was hired as WTC Security Chief to make sure there were no last minute screw ups in the planned destruction of the complex, especially with the final prep work (the weekend power down is worth another look, from another perspective), maybe it went something like this, perhaps at a late night supper at Elaine’s:
HAUER: John, we all (referring to the deep state, but O’Neill as ‘the real thing’ wouldn’t know this) realize how frustrated you are that your hunt for al Qaeda bad guys like bin Laden has been thwarted. We’re frustrated too. (A lie, of course.)
Here’s what we’re thinking of to fix the situation. We have a… a little… you know… event…
O’NEILL: …Event?
HAUER: Technically, it would be a… (pretending to grope for the words)… an al Qaeda false flag kind of thing… See, that would force the bastards at State and Justice holding your leash to let you run free, catch all the al Qaeda bad guys you can.
O’NEILL: What’s the event?
HAUER: We’re thinking of maybe… using a plane… you know… hit the World Trade Center with one and blame bin Laden. But see, we’d use an empty plane, remote control kind of thing, and hit an empty floor. A lot of noise but minimal collateral damage.
O’NEILL: Where do I fit in?
HAUER: You take the job as WTC Security Chief and watch over the last minute stuff… uh, like clearing out the target floor, so… huh… no one gets hurt.
Wait! Hold on a minute… I’m trying to write the version of this scenario that is least damaging to the John O’Neill Legend, but my writer-heart isn’t in it. Toooo maaaany hooooles.
The point of any version is that O’Neill is fooled into thinking it will be a minimal ‘event,’ then when the truth hits him – maybe literally – it’s too late. What’s he going to do, admit his role, claiming he didn’t know it would be so bad?
Then, either by design or on the spur of the moment, he decides to fake his own death. Maybe out of shame.
The following is from the New York Magazine article:
David Cornstein, who ran Finlay jewelers and now is chairman of the New York Olympic Games commission, used to tailgate with O'Neill at Giants and Jets games. "We concurred," he says, "that the country after the Cold War had really fallen a bit asleep, and there was a liberal movement toward more and more civil rights, and the country wasn't observant enough to realize that the world had changed and our view of the way security should be should change, too."
O’Neill’s attitude about the U.S. falling asleep and ‘a liberal movement’ and the atrocity of ‘more and more civil rights’ may be interpreted as evidence that could have been swayed in this way. Indeed, the neo-con rational for a 9/11 type event would fit well with this line of reasoning. (Sorry if O’Neill’s antagonistic slant on ‘civil rights’ dismays any O’Neill fans who are somehow sticking it out with ‘John is a great guy.’)
As I say, though, no matter the specifics of the O’Neill-gets-fooled scenario, there are a lot of holes, most already dealt with, too many others to go into here (isn’t this long enough?!). But again, since by now you should understand the monumental problem of the August 23rd start date of O’Neill’s job (among other problems) in holding onto the Legend, here you have… something on which to hang your doublethink.
As I write I’m ensconced in a cabina in the rainforest on the Osa Peninsula deep down in southern Costa Rica. I’m here on a surf trip; surfing is my way of keeping (relatively) sane. I’m also shooting some final footage for a film I’m making, Water Time; Surf Travel Diary of a MadMan, which I hope will wake up people who would not normally watch a ‘wake up’ film.
While at my home in New York a week or so ago I tried to open this essay’s Word file and got a pop up box saying ‘Your Word file is being read on the Internet…’ there was something else at the end but the pop up box disappeared after about three seconds, before I could read the rest.
My essay disappeared as well. Poof! Gone. Deleted from my MacBook. It also disappeared from my Apple Time Machine, a device that backs up your work. My computer guru tells me that I’d been hacked, and by experts. (I had saved an earlier version on a flash drive; still, I lost a week’s work.)
Then a couple mornings ago here in Costa Rica an even stranger occurrence: I turned on my computer – I had been offline since my last writing session – and a new thumbnail was on my desktop: A frame from an X-rated film I’d made with a former girlfriend and which was buried in my Documents Folder among literally hundreds of other files; the movie-frame was of just me, though, sitting on my bed stark naked, looking like a fool.
We all know that computers (plus cell phones, etc. etc) are designed with backdoors that allow ‘them’ to… do what they want. I’ll tell you, though, it’s an eerie feeling when you see that capability in action, targeting yourself. (The thumbnail of me with my dick in my hand is evidence that it wasn’t just a ‘machine’ scanning my work; machines do not have senses of irony and nasty humor.)
By the way: Suicide/disappearance is not my style. Neither of them.
Essay by Allan Weisbecker | Visit www.banditobooks.com to learn more © Bandito Books, Ltd. |